Oh Yeah! After listening the album I thought... maybe it will be good to go to our rock-club, call my friends, by a most cheaf microphone in the city and with its help to record two-three albums... during one rehearsal?!?
This was my first expression, but there is nothing strange, becouse band made this album on one of their rehearsals. Album came out jolly, 32 songs in 29 minutes! And how do you think, what music do this band play? Yor are right, they play gring metal (after which I listened Napalm Death with relief). Sound on the album is just terrible, its different to understand what instruments took park in recordind. Also there is some insertions, for example, after 8th song you can hear sounds of a surf, bird's singing and some unknown sounds, and at the end, all songs wash all to lavatory pan (or what) with that same sounds. Its good that on the album plays alive drummer... he had a lot of work at that day and at the end of album you can hear, that he tired. And it needs to point that at some places were some backgrounds, which hampered to play. Ok, I'll hope that in future band'll enjoy by more professional works.