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Релиз нового альбома «Взорванное небо» группы Timequake

Восходящая звезда российской прогрессивной рок-музыки - орловская команда Timequake' представляет свой новый альбом «Взорванное небо»' ! В пластинку вошли 10, ранее не издававшихся композиций, а также 2 бонуса в виде акустического трека и ремикса на одну из песен альбома. Автором пси-транс ремикса на трек «Вверх» стал один из лучших молодых аранжировщиков и клавишников отечественной рок-сцены - Александр Wish Андрюхин (экс-ARDA).
«Взорванное небо» - это особый взгляд на человеческое несовершенство и проблему выбора между добром и злом, кроющимися в каждом из нас. Жесткая лирика, фирменная экспрессия фронтмена и мощный плотный саунд выгодно отличают Timequake от коллег по цеху, а яркая концертная подача и тотальное качество в каждой мелочи - от оформления пластинки до концептуальных шоу ставят группу на один уровень с признанными мастерами жанра. Красноречивым примером тому стало сотрудничество Timequake с Нуки - вокалисткой культовой группы СЛОТ' , результатом которого стал сингл «Вверх»' , предвосхитивший релиз «Взорванного неба» прошлой осенью.
Эксклюзивный релиз пластинки состоялся 12 марта 2012 года на крупнейшем медиа-портале рунета - ThankYou.ru' , работающему по принципу: «Скачай и заплати, сколько считаешь нужным».
Качайте альбом «Взорванное небо» от группы Timequake на портале ThankYou.ru' прямо сейчас!
Большая концертная презентация альбома состоится 23-го марта в московском клубе «Релакс»' (Ул. Мельникова, д 7). Среди заявленных гостей шоу своё участие уже подтвердили Нуки (СЛОТ) и Wish (экс-ARDA).
Подробности мероприятия смотрите на страничке ВКонтакте' .


Alan (14-3-2012)

Paul DiAnno and Blaze Bayley: signing session and press conference

26 февраля в клубе Double Bourbon (http://www.barbourbon.ru/' ) по адресу: ст. м. Таганская (кольцевая) Земляной вал, 75 состоится пресс-конференция/автограф-сессия Paul DiAnno и Blaze Bayley и презентация книги "Знак зверя" российского менеджера ДиАнно и Блейза Алексея Морозова, единственной биографии Iron Maiden на русском языке. Приглашаются все желающие. Начало в 14:00.
Также, по ссылке ниже доступен для просмотра 20-минутный документальный фильм о пребывании Пола ДиАнно (Paul DiAnno, ex-Iron Maiden) в России в 2010 году, включающий профессиональную запись московского концерта и интервью с музыкантами российского состава Пола.
Напоминаем, что совместный тур ДиАнно и другого экс-вокалиста Iron Maiden стартует 22 февраля в Санкт-Петербурге:
22 февраля - Санкт-Петербург, "Аврора"
23 февраля - Ставрополь, "Мажор"
24 февраля - Ростов-на-Дону, ДК "Ростсельмаш"
25 февраля - Краснодар, "Мавзолей"
26 февраля - МОСКВА, "План Б"
28 февраля - Уфа, "Огни Уфы"


AMPHI 2011

The first part of Photo report from the AMPHI FESTIVAL 2011 is available now.



Two legends have been added to the line-up!

As promised, here’s your Christmas present, two major bands of the metal scene!

The first one is JUDAS PRIEST, the pioneers of the NWOBHM who, after nearly 40 years of musical entertainment, have decided to honor us with their presence at Hellfest 2011! And what a honor knowing that they have just announced that it will be their final world tour! So this might be the last chance you’ll get to see these legends live! Are you willing to take the risk?

The second band is TRUST, the only French Hard Rock band to have known a worldwide success in the 80’s with for instance their hit “Antisocial”! But this won’t be any kind of show as they would be returning to play only their old stuff, from their first 3 albums, offering you a concert 100% Hard Rock! Their old fans have been waiting for this show for years, and the younger lot will be able to discover the French Hard Rock legend live!



BA 2010 is dead, long live the BA 2011!

Dear BA friends, although still in 2010, the 16th edition of the Brutal Assault Festival is already knocking on doors. We would like to say thank you again, especially for your great favor and support. We really appreciate it, thank you!

Thursday – Saturday, August 11th – 13th, 2011, this is the magic date for the 16th volume of the Brutal Assault Festival which will be held inside the Old Army Fotress in Josefov again. There is no reason to wait, so let's start with newly confirmed bands for BA 2011!

Ladies and gentlemen, let us introduce deathmetal legend MORBID ANGEL (usa), “the fathers” of crossover SUICIDAL TENDENCIES (usa), rising British deathmetallers TRIGGER THE BLOODSHED, pagan metallers SKYFORGER (lt), extreme grinders EXCREMENTORY GRINDFUCKERS (ger), thrashers SKELETONWITCH (usa) and HC/punk/metallers KVELERTAK (nor).

There is a second round of new bands which are confirmed for next Brutal Assault.

Celebration for all technical death metal lovers is confirmation of Canadian masters of genre - Gorgus. On the other side - within the frame of classical conception of a genre there is Vader from Poland. After a period of slumber are back the butchers Exhumed with their old school death / grind.

Melodic genres will be represented by swiss doom revelation Triptykon and romanian pagan metal newbies Dordeduh.


Live report from Hellfest 2010

Brutal Assault festival newsline

News on the BA festival: WINE BAR, 5 brands of beer, next entrance and
new "streets".

Dear BA fans, let us introduce some innovations for BA 2010. This year
you can look forward to next entrance to the festival area, new "street"
leading around the Natural Stand and new "street" leading from the stage
area straight to the "Meet and Greet" tent.

Next news are about drinks. This year you can look forward to 5 brands
of draught beer: Gambrinus 10B0, Pilsner Urquell 12B0, Black Kozel,
Master 18B0 a Radegast Birell.

Absolute novelty will be WINE BAR with wide offer of quality Moravian
and French wine.

Brutal Assault 2010 announces its day schedule!

Check out our website for first information about day schedule for BA
2010! By now, you can find there bands divided into 3 festival days. The
official time schedule will be announced during next week.

There are also some changes in line-up so let's see at them. American
band CRO MAGS has been forced to cancel their European tour due to some
family problems. They will be replaced with German hardcore band

Also Holland CONTROL HUMAN DELETE have cancelled their summer shows due
to some personal problems inside the band.

During next week we will announce last 2 bands for BA 2010 and also the
final time schedule for all 3 festival days.

Please note that on Saturday (July 31st) is the deadline for ordering
ticket in pre-sale price. VIP camp orders can be placed on Aug 05th the

Brutal Assault "Warm Up" party!

Less than a three weeks before the start of the 15th anniversary edition
of the Brutal Assault Festival we would like to announce the official
"Warm Up" party which will be held on Wednesday August 11th in the Old
Army Fortress area. You can look forward to 8 bands playing on special
stage from 5 p.m..

So far we have confirmed five bands: GODLESS TRUTH (death-progressive,
metal, UK), AND HELL FOLLOWED WITH (death/thrash, USA) and HONOUR IS
DEAD (metal/hardcore, UK).

Yes, you are right, there are still some free slots on the line-up... We
have decided to prepare small competition for you BA fans! Bellow you
can see 7 great Czech bands who are ready for big voting battle. Just
check their music and then vote for your favorite. Only 3 bands with
highest numer of votes will play the "Warm Up" party. You can choose
from and vote for only one of next bands:

MINDWORK (http://bandzone.cz/mindwork' )

STINY PLAMENU (http://www.myspace.com/diveintothewastewater' )

ABSTRACT ESSENCE (http://bandzone.cz/abstractessence' )

UNAFFECTED EVOLUTION (http://bandzone.cz/unaffectedevolution' )

DISFIGURED CORPSE (http://bandzone.cz/disfiguredcorpse' )

BRUTALLY DECEASED (http://bandzone.cz/brutallydeceased' )

MINORITY SOUND (http://bandzone.cz/minoritysound' )

You can vote here: http://brutalassault.cz/cs/contest/band-contest-2010/'
from now to Friday, August 6th, 12 p.m. Results will be announced on
this website.

New offer! Hotel accommodation in Hradec Kralove and cheaper flights to Prague! published 2 weeks ago

For those who are looking for a hotel type of accommodation we can offer a sweet option that will even include a shuttle bus from the hotel to the festival ground. Hotel CERNIGOV is situated in Hradec Kralove, approx. 20 km from the festival ground, and offers next services:

* single rooms available at 35,00 EUR per night
* double rooms available at 60,00 EUR per night
* rooms available for Wednesday Aug 11, Thursday Aug 12th, Friday Aug 13th, Saturday Aug 14th and/or Sunday Aug 15th (you can choose from the mentioned days, not necessary to book all the days)
* buffet breakfast included in the price
* shuttle service to the festival ground and back once a day included in the price (a van will be available within 60 min after ordering)
* a free 3-day pass for the natural ground with a view on both stages (you save 90CZK = approx. 3,50 EUR)
* other hotel services (not included in the price): laundry, safe-box, casino, restaurant & bar, etc.

For more detailed information about the hotel accommodation and booking click on this link: http://brutalassault.cz/en/hotel-cernigov/'

Other news is designed for those who are planning their flights by plain. In cooperation with Czech Airlines (?SA) we can offer 10% discount for all direct flights provided by ?SA to Prague.

The process is very easy, click on this link: http://www.csa.cz/.../booking_ticket.htm' and for entering the submenu use next initials: Name: BA2010, Password: 1B10002. Then just choose your flight with 10% discount. Have a good flight!

New bands: LYZANXIA and CALLISTO published 2 weeks, 4 days ago

Hello BA-Fans! Festival is closer and closer and we are back with new bands.

Newly confirmed are French thrashers LYZANXIA (with new album "Locust") and Finnish post-metal band CALLISTO.

More news from BA 2010 camp coming soon.

Line-up is changing: BARREN EARTH for KYPCK published 3 weeks, 5 days ago

Finnish band KYPCK has cancelled all their summer shows including BA festival. Here is their official statement: We unfortunately have to cancel our performance at this year's Brutal Assault. The circumstances regarding the band, our new record company and our new album are chaotic to say the least, and we feel it is better to cancel now than 2 days before the festival when flights, hotels etc. would have already been paid for. We deeply apologize to the organizers and everyone who was looking forward to the show.

KYPCK is dead, long live the BARREN EARTH! Finnish "all-stars" group, comprised of members of other bands like SWALLOW THE SUN, AMORPHIS or MOONSORROW, will present their debut album called "Curse of the Red River" which is a progressive epic that draws you in and holds you by the head while it transitions through atmospheric, brutal, melodic passages that massage the ear and punch the gut.

Winners of photo contest! published 3 weeks, 5 days ago

Photo contest is over! Thank you for your interest in sending your pictures and voices.
We will invent something again for you in the future.. You can see yourself as you decided on the fate of registered photos, click here' . Still remind that the first place is gaining free entry to this year's fest, the second place is gaining a sweatshirt BA fest 2010, and the third place is gaining T-shirt BA fest 2010. And exceptionally we awarded potato medail for the fourth place, and win is the obligatory 666 potatoes.


Ease Of Disgust - first video

Московская Deathcore группа Ease Of Disgust, выпустила дебютный клип на песню с недавно вышедшего сингла Constructed.

Клип снят Юрием Ереминым, который работал с группами #####, Аркона, Моесердцесправа и другими.

Музыканты группы являются официальными эндорсерами брендов ESP, Schecter, Peace

Группа выражает благодарность компаниям Саундчек (Peace) и O.K. & Co.(ENGL, Meinl, Ashdown, Schecter) за помощь в организации съемок.

Посмотреть видео можно здесь:

Скачать клип в HD качестве

Официальная группа вКонтакте


New SINFUL album

Taus: "Мы рады всем сообщить о завершении записи нашего нового альбома! В наcтоящий момент наше детище, получившее название "13-ый Апостол", находится в процессе сведения и мастеринга. Вся работа над альбомом ведётся в самой знаменитой польской студии "Hertz"(Vader, Decapitated, Hate). Барабанные партии были записаны Pawel "Paul" Jaroszewicz - ударником Vader и Crionics. Оформлением релиза занимается один из лучший российских художников W.Smerdulak. Обложка выложена по: этому адресу' . Следите за обновлением новостей!"


[AMATORY] work on new single

Из интервью гитариста питерской группы [AMATORY], Александра [ALEX] Павлова, составленного из ответов на вопросы поклонников коллектива, которые они задавали в рамках интерактивного проекта Вконтакте (http://vkontakte.ru/club2043), стало известно о том, что музыканты в данный момент заняты подготовкой нового турового сингла, который “как минимум всех удивит”. Вот выдержки из интервью:

“…На данный момент у нас в работе находится порядка 6-7 новых песен, а также куча еще несыгранного материала… Сейчас мы готовим специальный туровый сингл, который как минимум всех удивит и задаст новый этап и планку в творчестве [AMATORY]!”.

При этом [ALEX] достаточно жестко обозначил собственное отношение к восприятию частью аудитории творчества группы в свете последнего на данный момент альбома “VII”: “Это самый тяжелый, техничный и круто звучащий наш альбом. Я не доволен только тем, как его позиционировали и пытались преподать людям, а именно: визитной карточкой [AMATORY] вдруг стала баллада (“Дыши со мной”), а петь баллады – это не то, что мы умеем лучше всего. Конечно, это можно назвать попыткой расширить аудиторию за счет радио-сингла в надежде, что старые фэны поймут этот ход, что они внимательно послушают весь альбом целиком с его песнями “Время придумало смерь”, “Нас никто не остановит”, “Моя месть”, “Вы все лишены своей жизни”, “Новый герой” – послушают и поймут, что группа тяжела как никогда и даст всем просраться… Именно здесь, на мой взгляд, и произошло это разделение… Мы по-прежнему верны своим музыкальным идеалам, что бы там кто ни говорил!”.

Новый тур [AMATORY], получивший название “Sick & Loud”, стартует 16 октября в Питере и помимо большого московского выступления 24 октября в CDK МАИ включит в себя около полусотни концертов в городах России и стран СНГ. Подробное расписание формирующегося тура, для которого [AMATORY] обещают подготовить самый тяжелый сет-лист за всю историю группы, можно посмотреть на официальном сайте www.amatory.ru

Также в конце сентября музыканты группы приняли участие в выставке “Музыка Москва 2009”; немного ироничный видео-рассказ об одном дне [AMATORY] в столице опубликован по этому адресу: http://www.nashe.ru/tv-nashes/9432


Lacrimosa's frontman to russian audience

Тило Вольфф, лидер швейцарской готик-металлической группы LACRIMOSA, записал небольшое аудио-обращение ( lacrimosa.irond.ru/tiloaboutmoscowgigs.mp3' ) к российской аудитории впреддверие двух московских концертов, которые состоятся 16 октября (клуб "Точка") и 17 октября (клуб "1Rock"). Напомним, что в рамках этих двух выступлений состоятся российские презентации последнего на данный момент студийного альбома группы "Sehnsucht".

Согласно информации от организаторов московских концертов, компании Irond, билеты на концерт 16 октября в клубе "Точка" практически распроданы - последние билеты остались в кассе клуба, а также на сайте билетного Интернет-агента ( http://concert.ru/Order.aspx?ActionID=11832' ). Билеты на концерт 17 октября в клубе "1Rock" на данный момент в продаже пока повсеместно. Все подробности можно узнать на сайте концертов www.lacrimosa.irond.ru'

Наш сайт оказывает московским концертам LACRIMOSA информационную поддержку.


ARKONA - "Goi, Rode, Goi" video published

DISMEMBER releasing brand new DVD "Under Bloodred Skies"

Long-running Swedish death metallers DISMEMBER will release a brand new DVD, entitled "Under Bloodred Skies", on July 27 via Regain Records. The two-disc set will include footage of two separate concerts (one in the Netherlands and the other at last year's Party.San Open Air festival, which was held in Bad Berka, Germany) plus tons of backstage material and bonus features.

SUBSIGNAL - new band formed by former SIEGES EVEN members

SUBSIGNAL, the new German band featuring former SIEGES EVEN members Arno Menses (vocals) and Markus Steffen (guitar), will release its debut album, entitled "Beautiful & Monstrous", on September 25 via GoldenCore Records/ZYX Music. The CD was helmed by co-producer Kristian Kohlmannslehner, who worked on SIEGES EVEN's 2007 release, "Paramount". The special edition of the album, which will have an approximate running time of 60 minutes, will come with a stylish digipack cover and one bonus track. The LP will also be released as a normal jewelcase version with rounded corners, and it will be made available on double vinyl.

"Beautiful & Monstrous" track listing:

01. Where Angels Fear To Tread
02. Paradigm
03. The Sea
04. The Trick Is To Keep Breathing
05. Walking With Ghosts
06. I Go With The Wind
07. To Hope The Road Is Long
08. Beautiful & Monstrous
09. The Last Light Of Summer
10. Eyes Wide Open
11. Rain Is The Most Beautiful Color (bonus track on special edition)

SCAR SYMMETRY will release "Dark Matter Dimensions" in October

Swedish melodic progressive death metallers SCAR SYMMETRY will release their new album, "Dark Matter Dimensions", in October via Nuclear Blast Records.

The track listing for the CD is as follows:

01. The Iconoclast
02. The Consciousness Eaters
03. Noumenon And Phenomenon
04. Ascension Chamber
05. Mechanical Soul Cybernetics
06. Non-Human Era
07. Dark Matter Dimensions
08. Sculptor Void
09. A Parenthesis In Eternity
10. Frequency-Shifter
11. Radiant Strain
12. Pariah

BLACK SABBATH provided their name for a horror movie

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Next Films — the newly formed film-production company launched by top reality TV producer Mike Fleiss — has signed a deal with BLACK SABBATH guitarist-songwriter Tony Iommi for "Black Sabbath", a horror movie franchise. The films won't be about the group but will use the title as a jumping-off point. Iommi also will score the movies.

KATATONIA has set "Night Is the New Day" as the title of a new album

Sweden's KATATONIA has set "Night Is the New Day" as the title of its long-awaited new album, due in Europe on October 19 and in the U.S. on October 27 via Peaceville Records. 13 tracks were reportedly laid down for the follow-up to 2006's "The Great Cold Distance" (out of which 11-12 songs will make it onto the final CD), with the new material being described by the band as "our most varied, diverse and possibly strongest shit all together on one and the same album."

Andy Sneap in talks to produce new ACCEPT album

Acclaimed British producer and SABBAT guitarist Andy Sneap (MEGADETH, EXODUS, ARCH ENEMY, NEVERMORE) has issued the following update:
"Well, I'm pleased— no, actually, absolutely thrilled — to announce I'll be flying to Nashville next month to meet up with Wolf Hoffmann [guitar] to discuss production, songs etc. for the upcoming ACCEPT album. Anyone who knows me will know what a fan of ACCEPT I am, even after [SABBAT ended up] getting kicked off U.D.O.'s first European tour after two dates (for being too heavy, I'd like to add). I still think they were/are such a killer band and although there's no Udo [Dirkschneider, vocals] or Stefan Kaufmann [drums], I personally think it's great that Wolf, Peter [Baltes, bass] and Hermann [Frank, guitar] are still playing together along with Stefan [Schwarzmann, drums] and Mark [Tornillo, vocals].
"This actually came together through a mutual friend, Ed Aborn, who runs the FOZZY website and also does some work for Wolf. When I first met Ed back in 2001, we got onto the subject of ACCEPT and basically we've never stopped talking about it. So this has come about through a bit of nudging and me going 'over here with that album' and it turns out they are as excited about the idea as I am. I'm also looking forward to doing some classic metal as opposed to out-and-out thrash and I think this could be a really heavy record if that's the direction the band want to go in. This, of course, is yet to be discussed and the whole reason why I'm clocking up yet more air miles next month."
ACCEPT recently reformed with new lead singer Mark Tornillo (ex-TT QUICK) and is planning to hit the road later this year.

Jorn Lande will sing in MASTERPLAN again

Norwegian powerhouse hard rock singer Jorn Lande has confirmed that he has been in talks with his former band MASTERPLAN about laying down the lead vocals on the group's new CD. "We have discussed recording an album together and it's looking pretty good that it will work out," he told Germany's Rock Hard magazine. "We never had problems with each other, but professionally, we decided for to go separate ways for a while. Now some years have passed and we are talking about collaborating again. I have some song ideas for MASTERPLAN. However, I must focus on the promotion for my [new solo] album and upcoming JORN [Lande's solo project] live shows before we decide what to do next. Either way, I am happy that we are talking about working together again — mainly because the combination of MASTERPLAN's music and my singing was truly something special."

DARK TRANQUILLITY - new live CD/DVD is set to release in October

Century Media Records has set an October 26 European release date for "Where Death Is Most Alive", the new concert DVD/CD from Swedish melodic death metallers DARK TRANQUILLITY. The set will be issued as a limited-edition 2DVD+2CD set, as well as a double DVD and double CD.
"Where Death Is Most Alive" will contain footage of DARK TRANQUILLITY's October 31, 2008 headlining concert in Milan, Italy. The band was joined during the show by THEATRE OF TRAGEDY singer Nell Sigland for renditions of the songs "The Mundane And The Magic" (a track that had never before been played live) and "Insanity's Crescendo".
DARK TRANQUILLITY will enter the studio in September to begin recording its ninth album for and early 2010 release via Century Media Records.

SYSTEM OF A DOWN's Serj Tankian is writing new poetry book

SYSTEM OF A DOWN frontman Serj Tankian has issued the following update:
"I am in the middle of writing a follow-up to my poetry book, 'Cool Gardens'. The new collection of works is yet to be titled, but it will definitely feature illustrations by Roger Kupelian, the director of my music video for 'Honking Antelope' [see below]. I am looking to create a visual/interactive element to the new poetry book and more details will be released as they are available."

UNLEASHED have inked a deal with Nuclear Blast

Swedish death metal veterans UNLEASHED have inked a deal with Nuclear Blast Records for the release of their upcoming tenth album. The band says, "We are very much looking forward to this new cooperation! The recording of the album is scheduled for October/November this year."

MARDUK release "Wormwood" in September

Swedish black metallers MARDUK will release their eleventh album, "Wormwood", in September via Regain Records (the exact release date has not yet been announced). The CD was recorded at Endarker Studios in Norrköping, Sweden with engineer/producer Magnus Devo Andersson. The album's release will be followed by a world tour, dubbed "Funeral Nation 2009/2010", which will kick off in Europe.

Former THERION's drummer Petter Karlsson runs HOLOCOASTER

Petter Karlsson wasn't only taking care of the drums in THERION for over four years. He was also a singer, guitarist, head composer, co-producer and recording engineer on the band's 13th album, "Gothic Kabbalah", considered by many to be the best THERION album to date.

Over 200 shows later, it was time to create something of his own. He quit THERION and in the year 2008 he started HOLOCOASTER, an exciting, new project, and began composing new material.

Commented Petter: "The last year I've received hundreds of mails from fans begging me to come up with something new .This is the first time I've ever been able to put 110% effort, commitment, blood and tears into my music without any compromises."

NILE frontman speaks on new album

NILE guitarist/vocalist Karl Sanders recently spoke to Greg Pratt of Exclaim! magazine about the recording process for NILE's new album, which is due in November via Nuclear Blast Records.

"Gruelling. Exhausting," Sanders said of the forthcoming CD. "This album has consumed 12 to 14 hours of my life every day since May. It’s now July and we are fucking tired. And we got another month to go.

"We started off in pre-production in Greenville, South Carolina, then relocated to Tampa to work with Erik Rutan [CANNIBAL CORPSE, MORBID ANGEL] on recording drums. At the moment, we are in Greenville, just finished slaving away on rhythm guitars. When we finish vocals, bass, leads and so forth, we will go up to Chicago at Rax Trax to mix."

He added, "Musically, the new disc is unrelenting, overwhelming brutality, with lots of various Eastern influences. Lyrically there are new and interesting influences from various Middle Eastern cultures."

KAMELOT are recording new disc

American/Norwegian melodic metallers KAMELOT are currently in recording mode at various studios — including the Gate Studio in Wolfsburg, Germany — under the watchful eye of Sascha Paeth and Miro as producers. A spring 2010 release is being planned for the band's highly anticipated follow-up to their biggest selling record to date, "Ghost Opera".

"The new songs are really inspiring," states guitarist Thomas Youngblood. "We feel the long touring and time away from writing has been perfect for new ideas and an aggressive approach to the new songs."

ASTRAL DOORS have lay down a song for an ice hockey team

Swedish metallers ASTRAL DOORS have issued the following update:

"One of Sweden's most beloved ice hockey teams, Leksands IF, celebrates its 90th anniversary this year and ASTRAL DOORS has written the official anniversary song, 'Hyllning Till Leksand'. It will be released as a single. It's a great honor for us and we hope that the fans, the players and everyone connected to the club will take the song to their hearts."

THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD are recording new album

THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD has entered Geller Cellar Studios in New York to begin recording its as-yet-untitled third full-length album. The band is self-producing the effort, with Eliot Geller engineering, for an early 2010 release via Prosthetic Records. The South Carolina-based group will then travel to Mana Recording Studios in St. Petersburg, Florida in late August to mix the album with Erik Rutan (CANNIBAL CORPSE, SIX FEET UNDER, GOATWHORE). They will be documenting the recording process with several webisodes on their YouTube page.

THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD released "Malice" in 2007 and "Bloodlust" in 2005, both on Prosthetic Records.

FINNTROLL due to enter studio next week

Finnish folk metallers FINNTROLL will enter Sonic Pump studios in Helsinki on Monday, July 27 to begin recording their as-yet-untitled fifth album. Keyboardist Henri "Trollhorn" Sorvali previously stated about the follow-up to 2007's "Ur Jordens Djup". "I personally think this will be our best album ever. Overall I can sense there's a lot 'punk' on it, lots of weirdness, a load of *riffs* instead of chord progressions, quite a bit of folkish parts and a lurking, evil atmosphere. In the terms of 'heaviness,' it's probably the heaviest album we've done, at least judging from the song material.

"I could pretty much safely say this sounds like a meaner and more wicked version of 'Ur Jordens Djup' with an occasional hint of the first album. For the dissappoitment for those who were waiting for songs sounding like 'Trollhammaren' or 'Jaktens Tid', I have to say that you probably should pick up the new KORPIKLAANI instead."

FINNTROLL is currently unsigned, having parted ways with Spinefarm and Century Media following the release of "Ur Jordens Djup".

TO/DIE/FOR speak about new album

Vocalist Jape Peratalo of Finnish gothic metallers TO/DIE/FOR has issued the following update:

"At the moment, me and Tonmi [Lillman; TO/DIE/FOR drummer] are writing new songs. We have a lot of material and in August we will hit the studio in Helsinki for the first recordings.

"We have no guitarist(s) yet. At the studio we will use... someone. :) It is not that easy to find a human being who would be able to work with me and Tonmi, and especially he should not be 'a metal' guy at all.

"We are not gonna fill new songs with guitars! (Which does NOT mean that there is not guitars at all!) This time we will create something new, but it will sound as TO/DIE/FOR, for sure. Main idea is that it MUST be fresh!

"Most of the gothic rock scene is so fucking boring that we do not see any reason to continue on that road! So many bands sounds almost same. There is no new ideas.
I do not mean every gothic rock band, but anyway... That is something we are gonna change! We will be melancholy and everything we have been before, but we will renew our music and ways to handle it.

"On our MySpace does not happen a lot for a while. We will create new sites when it is right time for it. Now we need all of our energy and time for the new songs.

"We are not gonna look for any record label for releasing this album! All we need is find right labels which we could sign license deals with. Now it seems that licenses for Russian, Japan and Finland are already in our hands. And I am looking for new license deals all the time. So... things will happen mainly through our own company."

TO/DIE/FOR's fifth album, "Wounds Wide Open", was released in Finland in October 2006. The follow-up to 2005's "IV" was recorded by Samu Oittinen at Fantom Studios and by Jari-Jukka Nippala at Sonic Image, and was mixed at Sweden's Abyss Studios by Peter Tägtgren (DIMMU BORGIR, CELTIC FROST).

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