Ind: In 1993 you released LP "Amputator" and because brutal death apologists, 'cause there were quite a few high quality brutal bands in Russian at that time. Did you feel any euphoria or star fever? Did worldwide popularity seem very close?Gregory: You must work hard to become popular. We tried and try hard. To become famous is a cherished dream of any band and we're not an exception.
Ind: Unfortunately in the middle of 90's you got disbanded. What was the reason?
Gregory: We had several reasons, absence of financing, drugs…
Ind: I remember "Iron March" TV-Show, you were telling that new album "Filicide" is complete. Which means that after reunion you brought to studio old stuff, or did you change anything there?
Gregory: Yep, "Filicide" was composed in 1995. Euthanasia track was redone and rearranged in a couple of days before the recording.
Ind: How did you manage to resume playing? Was it a sudden impulse or a natural plan?
Gregory: Gregory is to blame. He purchased PC and convoked us together!
Ind: Did local stage changed considerably since your early days?
Gregory: Many bands are gone, other ones replaced them. It looks like now it is easier to record albums.
Ind: They say death metal days are gone as well.
Gregory: If someone byes CDs and attends gigs then everything is not that bad/
Ind: Gregory, how do you manage the band? You also attend rehearsals, write lyrics and function as sound engineer…
Gregory: Right, I attend rehearsals and take part in composing songs.
Ind: Are going to change lyrics, at least make it more complicated? Your lyrics is very simple sometimes…
Gregory: Music comes first, while lyrics id devoid of any conception.
Ind: "Amputator" comes with Addiction to Sexual Slaughter track. "Filicide" follows with Addiction to Sexual Slaughter Pt.2.
Gregory: That's an evident continuation.
Ind: Do you have a steady line up now?
Gregory: Steady enough, we are only replacing the bass player. Line up should be steady, it helps to understand musical ideas clearly.
Ind: Nearest plans, expectations…
Gregory: New material is being prepared and we have started live activity.